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Diverse and inclusive recruitment strategies for user research

As a cornerstone of human-centred design, user research focuses on understanding people's behaviours, motivations, and pain points, enabling organisations to create solutions that make things better. However, its effectiveness largely depends on the quality and diversity of its participants, making recruitment a critical part of the process.

This whitepaper aims to provide a comprehensive guide to developing an effective recruitment strategy for user research. We will focus on six key areas:

  1. Diversity and inclusion
  2. Privacy and data protection
  3. Developing an in-house research panel
  4. Considering other recruitment channels
  5. Developing a resilient participant management workflow
  6. Evaluation and improvement

Objectives and outcomes

Improve public trust

A 2017 study by the Pew Research Center found that 64% of Americans believe that increasing racial and ethnic diversity in government would lead to more effective policymaking. By embracing diversity and inclusion, public sector organizations can build trust and credibility with the communities they serve.

Recruit more diverse perspectives

Inclusive companies are 1.7 times more likely to be innovation leaders in their market (Josh Bersin, 2015). This highlights the significance of fostering diverse perspectives and ensuring that all user groups are represented in the research and design process.

Reduce recruitment spend

Minimise expenses associated with sourcing and engaging participants for user research by identifying and utilising cost-effective recruitment channels and methods.

Reduce time to research

Streamline and optimise the recruitment process to enable organisations to gather insights up to 90% faster.

Minimise data governance risks

Adhering to industry best practices and regulatory requirements, ensuring consistent consent and data handling processes, and maintaining participant privacy and confidentiality at scale.

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What's included: 20 page whitepaper report as a PDF.

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